Along this week we have seen some interesting videos and we have learn new concepts about PBL(Proyect, Based, Learning); which standars should follow an effective teacher; the personal experiences of some teachers on their jobs; and also an example of a story related by a teacher telling how funcional is a journal. So in a general opinion we have written a little reflection about each lesson and what we have discovered.

Firstly, do we know what PBL is? Regarding this web page "" : this proyect prepares students for academic, personal and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit. In our opinion his use is not very widespread, but it is a resource that in an academic and functional form way the pupils like use learn of a different and more practical form. And he have found an curious video that explain this type of proyect :

Secondly, after all the sessions we have had this week we have conclude that there is not a perfect profile to follow in order to be a good teacher. To be a teacher is a very popular and known profession, but it does not mean that it is easy. It is necessary to work every day so much personally like publicly. The teacher ask us in a lesson class a very curious question: "Why have you chosen this grade? , which were the reasons? " So here you are our answers:
Elena: Well, I have chosen this career because i have always loved this profession, but I want to be that kind of teacher who is remember by their students on a good way, of course. However, I think i will be strict but just in order to make them learn a lot.
Laura: I have chosen to study this career because being a teacher in the future is an idea that always crossed my mind and I have liked it since I was little for different reasons, for example: if I am a teacher I can teach children that in the future they could change thr world, I can see how children are happy when they learn something new, I can not live a routine because there are so many ways to teach...
Maria: I chose this degree because since I was 5 or 6 years old I always liked the figure of the teacher and what it was representing; so when I saw some aspect  I liked I take note of the reason, in order to when I as an adult become in the best teacher, to sum  up one can say it was a fantasy of a little girl.
Sabrina: I chose to study to become a teacher because I love working with children. Children foster such innocence and curiosity. Everyday will be full of challenges, but challenges that bring such big rewards. Teachers have a large impact on children and I will work as hard as I can to become a positive impact. 


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